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Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Blessing in Disguise/ It Really Kinda Sucked

Excitement, expectations, and anticipation was high Tuesday afternoon for us 4 Norway-bound travelers arriving at sea-tac airport. We were going to be in Norway by this time tomorrow we all kept telling each other! Conversation started out lively and giddy when we first got to the terminal..... and then crawled to an almost non existent stand still during our 6 1/2 hour wait at Sea-Tac airport for our airplane to be considered "suitable" for flying............ hmmmm sketch.
Should Gabe and I count the number of things we invented to do for ourselves? Nevertheless, a lot of interesting people were also in our sticky situation, there was hottie Icelandic boy with the dreds in the far right corner (unfortunately never looked up from his ipad), nice Swedish family who helped me find my socks to the immediate left, and 2 groups of Germany-bound high school students from Portland. Some of the peeps from one school entertained us with a few songs sung in harmony during some point of the delay. That got annoying pretty fast. (This is Gabey: but it did sound nice)
So, continued by Gaberz:
Hokai, so: basically, the Iceland air chick would say, "so so far we don't know when we'll be able to take off, but I will go check with the crew and then I'll update you in about 20 minutes." and by that she meant "so I'll tell you that we're still screwed in an hour." and then finally, at 10:00 (no joke, and our plane was supposed to leave at 4:30) we got the update that we WEREN'T SCREWED FOREVER LIFE IS AWESOME ALL STARVATION IS SOLVED THE DYING ATMOSPHERE IS BACK TOGETHER AND THERE IS A PERMANENT CEASE-FIRE IN SYRIA, EGYPT, AND LIBYA!!!YAY! Except not the last three. It was still pretty awesome.
So then we boarded the plane took off sat there for seven hours and ima not talk about that cuz it's boring as crap, with the exception of Greenland looking pretty snazzy when we flew over it cuz it had crazy rocks n' snow n' stuff.
And so due to the crazy time zone mind-blowedness of us leaving at 10:50 pm in Seattle and arriving at noon the next day in Iceland, I had gotten an hour of crappy and broken up sleep and then it was all like, "Go check out Reykjavik yo and touch the Atlantic Ocean cuz it's not super freaking early in the morning even though according to your internal clock it should be." So basically we realized that Iceland is AWESOME and a bit weird and that the Atlantic Ocean is a bit chilly up at 66 degrees north latitude. Aaaaaaaand soooo basically that's what happened. Oh, and Keflavik Int'l Airport is, no joke, like a shopping mall that just happens to have planes going in and out of it.

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