Well, not quite, but almost. Apparently the Norse God of mischief, Loki, thought it would be really funny if he prolonged our Seattle spring of cold and rain and gave us more of the same here in the Motherland. Not funny, Loki! We have endured days on end of pouring rain and gray skies, with an occasional glimpse of blue that makes us all look at each other and gasp. "What is it?! Sun?!" Fortunately, at last we think we've finally broken through: the Midnight Sun is out in force for our first night in Trondheim. It's 11PM and bright as day. Brighter than any day thus far, really.
The good news is the rain and gray has not dampened anyone's spirits. It's all a part of the adventure, and no one has been grumpy about it. The girls are completely cheerful, and I am snug as a bug in my new rain coat, purchased just days before we left at REI. Gabey too, has a new North Face jacket that cost a bundle; at the time I thought it was expensive -- but come to find out it was about the price of four beers in Oslo, so a total bargain. Stan, who wrote the book on preparing for the weather and packing right (in fact, I thought of him, and how proud he'd be, as I shopped for our last-minute rain coats) didn't pack anything remotely rainproof, and, in fact, LOST his rain cap the first day. Anyhow, back to our good weather attitudes; no one has complained or said anything negative about the weather, at least out loud.
Some of us really look sharp, don't we? You can bet I turned a lot of lustful Viking heads in that get up.
Questionable fashion sense aside, we are seriously blessed by sharing the weather with a great co-travelers. We have three families: The Egerdahls - Ed, our intrepid leader, his wife Laurie and their daughter and son-in-law Heidi and David Winters; and another great family, Alice and her two adult kids Don and Kay, from San Diego. Alice has a farm on Whidbey, and a condo in San Diego, which is a pretty smart combination. David and Heidi are on the last leg of a 10-month tour of the world,
on a motorcyle!! Their own travel blog is at
thewintersabroad.com. They are young, adventurous (duh), funny, and good company. Their fearless attitude is a great example for Gabey and Maaike. We couldn't be luckier with our crew. No one gripes, no one complains, no one is picky or grossly eccentric or otherwise bothersome. (Hopefully they say the same about us...! Yikes.)
We're in Trondheim for the next couple of days; tomorrow we plan to go to church at the seat of all that is holy in Norway: the Niadros Cathedral, built before the Norman Conquest -- waaaay back when. It is truly glorious. And you can bet we'll be praying for more sun.
Takk for alt - Carol